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Knee Health eBook

Whether you're a 20 year old, elite athlete looking to improve the robustness and resiliency of your knees for high level competition or a 55 year old with knee pain looking to try and improve the function and capacity of your knees so you're able to play with your children, this is the program you're after.


By gradually loading our knees through a multitude of different positions and drills, we improve their ability to perform their role from a holistic standpoint. This program is flexible and malliable to your unique strengths, weaknesses and training capacity as the volume can be scaled up or down based on how YOU as an individual handle and react to the training. 


By having this level of self assessment and autonomy built into the program, you have the tools to improve your joints as well as the control to either follow the preset program or experiment and find what volume works best for yourself. 

Knee Health eBook

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